Author Spotlight - Mérida Writers

The Mérida English Library community is fortunate to have many accomplished writers in our midst. This edition of Author Spotlight turns its attention to not just one of these, but instead to a group of two dozen, who make up the entries in the anthology “29 Short Stories And Memoirs By Emerging Writers”.  As the book’s introduction describes, this anthology was encouraged by the Yucatán Writers’ Gathering in 2012, after which the Mérida English Library put out a call for submissions to be included in this first-of-its-kind book.  The rules: short stories, whether fiction, nonfiction or memoir; not previously published; from authors living in Yucatán.  A panel of four judges read each submission and selected the 29 stories that make up this collection.  The biographies of the writers reveal the kaleidoscope of backgrounds among us – many of the authors are accomplished, well-published, life-long writers while others include medical professionals, teachers, scientists, businesspeople and tradesmen.

 “29 Short Stories And Memoirs” is for sale at MEL for $200.  Stop by and pick up a copy today!


Author Spotlight - Bob Temple
