Library Policy

Our Mission Statement: The Mérida English Library (MEL) is a not-for-profit organization offering a variety of cultural, educational, informational and social programs, services and events to the English-speaking community in the Yucatán, irrespective of their level of English language proficiency. The cornerstone of MEL is a lending library that provides English-language material in all formats normally available from a traditional library.”

Library Collection: We have a collection of over 19,000 books arranged in fiction, non-fiction, children, and young adult. We also have an extensive collection of Latin American Literature, and other reference books on Maya culture and the Yucatán. Our books are acquired from generous donations from the community and through purchase.

Memberships: Membership are required for the privilege of borrowing items from the library. Memberships fall into three categories - Family, Individual and Student/Teacher. Family memberships are meant for two adults living in the same household plus their dependent children. Student/Teacher memberships are offered at a discounted price and are available only to students and teachers at local public schools. Teachers and students of online schools are not eligible. If you are a student or teacher at a local public school and wish to purchase or renew a library membership, please bring a constancia from your school that proves your current affiliation.

Loans and Renewals: Individuals and student/teacher members may borrow up to five items at a time for a two-week period. Families may check out five items per family member with a limit of 20 items at a time for a two-week period. Members may renew items for an additional two-week period twice by visiting the library in person, calling (999 924 8401) or emailing the library.

Returns: Library items may be returned to the front desk during library hours or through the book drop slot located on the front door when the library is closed.

Overdue Items and Fines: Current fines for overdue library materials are MX$2 per item per day. The maximum fine per overdue item is MX$100. Members will be asked to return items overdue by more than 14 days before checking out any more items. If overdue fines exceed more than MX$100 total, members will be asked to pay the fine before checking out any more items. Items returned in poor condition or lost fall under our Unreturned Book Policy. (see below).

Collections Policy

Goal: To guide acquisition and maintenance of the library collection to ensure diverse materials for the community we serve.

Responsibility: Under the direction of the MEL library board and in conjunction with the library administrator, the Library Collections Committee (LCC) will work with our volunteers to carry out library policies.

Library Bill of Rights: Basic to this policy is the Library Bill of Rights, adopted by the American Library Association, which affirms that all libraries are repositories for information and ideas and that all points of view on current and historical issues are presented within the limits of funding.

Collection criteria: To better serve our members, the following criteria are used for the selection and maintenance of materials.

  • Popular and regional interest

  • Cost and availability

  • Compatibility with existing materials

  • Patron requests

  • Format and ease of use

  • Literary importance and recognition

  • Historical value

Our Collection includes:

  • Fiction and nonfiction English-language materials for adults, children, and young adults

  • Latin American fiction and nonfiction materials (including travel, history, art, and archaeology), with an emphasis on Yucatecan and Maya topics

  • Spanish and English language learning materials

  • Non-circulating reference materials

  • CD audiobooks, board games, and puzzles

Removing Materials from Circulation: Materials will be continuously re-evaluated to ensure usefulness and relevance. Withdrawn materials may be offered for sale, given to other libraries or non-profit organizations, or the public. Evaluation criteria for removal from circulation include:

  • Obsolescence

  • Damage or poor condition

  • Material that has not been checked out in five years

  • Duplicates

  • Space limitations

Responsibility for children’s access to library materials: Children have access to all materials in the library. Parents and legal guardians are responsible for monitoring their children while on the premises.

Donations Policy

We accept books in English, jigsaw puzzles, and board games in good condition. Our goal is to acquire and maintain our library collection to ensure diverse materials for the community we serve.

Material we do not accept:

  • Textbooks (except Spanish and English language learning materials)

  • Workbooks & other curricular materials

  • Encyclopedias & dictionaries

  • Music

  • VHS and cassette tapes

  • CDs, DVDs & audiobooks

  • Magazines

  • Pamphlets & printed newsletters

  • User manuals, catalogs & instructional materials

  • Oversized or coffee table books not pertaining to Latin American subjects

  • Materials in poor condition, with missing or torn pages and/or cover, odor, mold, or mildew

Donations of services and physical items are accepted at the discretion of the administrator, and any donation of 50 items or more must be approved by the library before delivery. MEL does not pick up items. Once materials are donated to MEL, they become the property of the library and may be used according to its needs. If you have more than one box of material to donate, please send an email to our library collections committee so we can arrange a time to review the material before it is brought to the library.

MEL also accepts donations of money.

We appreciate all donations, as donated books and other items make up the vast majority of our collection. Thanks so much for thinking of us!

Unreturned Book Policy

A book is considered “lost” when it has been checked out for eight weeks or longer.

  • Books may be renewed twice for two-week periods for a total of six weeks.

  • If a book is returned between the six weeks and the eight weeks when it is considered “lost” the member will pay the usual fine for overdue books of MX$2 per day, or the maximum of MX$100 per item if the fine exceeds that amount.

  • The fine for a lost book is MX$500.

  • The book may be returned or replaced with a copy in good condition in lieu of paying the lost book fine.

  • The member would still be responsible for overdue book fines of MX$2 per day not to exceed MX$100.

  • If a member does not pay for, return or replace a lost book their MEL membership will be suspended until the book has been paid for, returned or replaced.

Building Use Policy

In order to maintain a vibrant community facility for all constituents, the Mérida English Library offers the use of the building and grounds to individuals and not-for-profit community organizations who have the support of the MEL board

The following guidelines apply:

  • A request to use any part of the facility must be approved by the MEL Board of Directors or the library administrator. Areas available for use include the Judd Dolle Room, the classroom, the patio, and the upstairs terrace.

  • A board member must sponsor the event and arrange for the opening, staffing, and closing of the building if the event is after regular opening hours.

  • Events may be scheduled during regular library hours if the event does not interfere with ongoing MEL programs or normal library operations. All lending materials must be available at all times for browsing.

  • The MEL staff will promote the event through the newsletter, our website, and social media according to their normal advertising calendars. Event organizers may choose to provide a letter-size poster for our Community Announcements bulletin board and/or a flyer for distribution. These printed materials will not be designed or produced by MEL staff.

  • Building usage fees will apply but may be waived if the event is free of charge to anyone participating in the event.

COVID Policy

MEL will follow whatever regulations are required by the city, state, or national government. We urge guests to practice safe hygiene and to follow social-distancing guidelines at all times. At the present, face coverings are NOT required for library visitors. However, for events held outside the library, a property owner may require face coverings and this request will be honored by all attendees, volunteers, and staff. There may also be capacity limits established for events held outside the library, and the owner may require proof of vaccination; such proof will be provided before entry into the facility.

Remember that books may be returned at any time through the slot in the front door without the need to enter the library.

Privacy Policy

Mérida English Library located in Calle 53 number 524 between Calle 66 and Calle 68, Centro, Mérida, Yucatán, México, CP 97000, is responsible for the use and protection of your personal data, and in this regard we inform you the following:

For what purposes will we use your personal data?

The personal data we collect from you will be used for the following purposes that are necessary to provide you with the service you request:

  • Registration of your membership in our system to borrow library materials.

  • Receive emails related to your account management.

In addition, we will use your personal information for the following purposes that are not necessary for the requested service, but that allow and facilitate us to provide you a better service:

  • Communication of the various activities and events of the library.

If you do not want your personal information to be used for these additional purposes, you can communicate this to us by sending an email to Refusal to use your personal data for these purposes is not a reason for us to deny you the services and products you request or contract with us.

What personal data will we use for these purposes?

To carry out the purposes described in this privacy notice, we will use:

  1. Your full name

  2. Your email address

  3. Your mailing address

  4. Your telephone number

How can you access, rectify, cancel or object to the use of your personal data?

You have the right to know what personal data we have of you, what we use it for, and the conditions of use we give you (Access). It is also your right to request the correction of your personal information if it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (Rectification); that we delete it from our records or databases when you consider that it is not being used in accordance with the principles, duties and obligations provided for in the regulations (Cancellation); and oppose the use of your personal data for specific purposes (Opposition). These rights are known as ARCO Rights. To exercise your ARCO rights, you must send an email to To know the procedure and requirements for exercising the ARCO Rights, you can call the following telephone number 9999 24 84 01; go to our website to the [Policies] section, or contact the library administration, which will process requests for the exercise of their rights and will answer any questions you may have regarding the processing of your information. The contact information of the Library administration is:

  • E-mail:

  • Telephone number: 9999 24 84 01

How can you revoke your consent to the use of your personal data?

You may revoke the consent you have given to us for the processing of your personal data. However, it is important to note that not in all cases we will be able to meet your request or terminate the use immediately, as it is possible that due to some legal obligation we require to continue processing your personal data. Also, you must consider for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent will imply that we cannot continue to provide the service you requested, or the termination of your relationship with us. To revoke your consent you must email your request to: To learn about the procedure and requirements for revocation of consent, you may call the library administration office or send an email to the library.

How can you limit the use or disclosure of your personal information?

In order for you to limit the use and disclosure of your personal information, we suggest the following:

  • Register in the Public Registry to Avoid Advertising, which is under the charge of the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (PROFECO), so that your personal information is not used to receive advertising or promotions from companies of goods or services. For more information about this registration, you can consult the PROFECO website or contact PROFECO directly.

  • Register on the exclusion list, so that your personal data is not used for marketing, advertising or commercial prospecting purposes by us. For more information contact the library administration office.

This Privacy Policy may change from time to time, and you should therefore review it periodically.

Last updated April 15, 2021