Greetings MEL Members,

I hope that you and your families are staying safe and doing well.

As you know, the Mérida English Library relies on in-person events such as the House & Garden Tours, Wine Tastings and Artist Studio Tour to provide the majority of its income.

Because the end of the Coronavirus pandemic is not yet in sight, the MEL Board of Directors is concerned that we may not be able to conduct these types of revenue generating events this season. Even if the library cannot resume its normal activities until 2021, there is still a building to maintain and other expenses to be paid.

We are currently developing a number of online MEL programs to help replace lost revenue, that will begin rolling out in late September. We need to raise 400,000 pesos to fund the Library through June, 2021.

In the meantime, a number of you have asked how you can contribute. There are two ways that you can help to ensure that MEL has the resources it needs to continue to operate - by making a direct financial contribution to the library or by renewing your MEL membership.

If you would like to support MEL financially, send a message to Let us know the amount of your donation or what type of membership you have and for how many years you would like to renew it, and provide the email address associated with your PayPal account.

Annual MEL Memberships:

Individual - MX$400 • Family - MX$500 • Student/Teacher - MX$150

On behalf of the MEL Board of Directors, thank you for your continued support of the Mérida English Library. It is your generosity that allows this valuable community resource to remain open year after year.

We hope to see you at the library again when circumstances allow.

Greg Casini, President

Mérida English Library


Author Spotlight - Mérida Writers


Letter from Elizabeth Dunkel