Author Spotlight - Bob Temple

The Mérida English Library community is fortunate to have many accomplished writers in our midst. This edition of Author Spotlight turns its attention to Robert Temple, who has lived part-time in Yucatán for more than twenty years. Bob is the author of the award-winning book “Edge Effects,” a quirky, fascinating, and wholly entertaining look at more than eighty North American border towns. And now he has turned a historian's keen eye on this part of the world with “After The Meteor: Surprising History In Yucatán.” In this book, Bob covers a wide range of local history – adventurers and heroes from the conquest, wars, rebellions, and naval battles from the deadly important to the comically inept, the highs and lows of Yucatán’s tragedies and accomplishments. These are real events, perhaps not widely know among the thousands of visitors who frequent the area nor the seasonal and full-time residents. This is not a standard chronological, stream-of-events history book, but instead a book with focus on surprising history, the people, heroes and villains, events unexpected and extraordinary. Prepare to be surprised!

 “After The Meteor: Surprising History In Yucatán” is available for purchase at Between The Lines bookstore.  Both this book and "Edge Effects" are part of the library's lending collection.


Author Spotlight - DL Evans


Author Spotlight - Mérida Writers