Author Spotlight - Dra. Rocío L. Cortés Campos

Dra. Rocío Cortés Campos is the director of the Faculty of Anthropological Sciences at the Autonomous University of Yucatán (UADY).  She ascended to this position from humble beginnings, born in Mérida and becoming the first child in her family to obtain a bachelor’s degree.  She has a master's degree in Anthropological Sciences and a doctorate in Social Sciences – the first PhD graduate in that program at UADY – and was a member of the National System of Researchers. She has been at UADY since 2002, and this is her second term as faculty director of her department.

As you would expect from a research professor, she has written several academic books, including Between Heroes and Barbarians: Yucatecan Journalism during the Caste War, and Communication and Youth in Yucatán.  She has done much academic research about journalism and social networks, and her work has been cited by more than 100 researchers in Spain and Latin America.  She has also been a columnist and contributor to El Mundo al Día, El Diario de Yucatán, Yucatán Punto Medio, and Noticias Canal 10 Yucatán.

But what you would NOT expect is that she is also an accomplished writer of romance novels.  Writing under the pen name R. Cortés, she started with Te Quiere, Adriana, a short story of historical romance and sorority inspired by the Caste War of Yucatán. Adriana Valladares is trapped in a loveless, family-arranged marriage and struggling to resist the charms of Joaquín Gutiérrez, a local landowner who is young, handsome, and passionate, and who fell in love with Adriana at first sight. Then the war breaks out, and Adriana and Joaquín throw caution to the wind.

She follows with The Girl with the Cats and the Ogre in the Tower.  Here we are introduced to 25-year-old Kathy Aguilar, a cat-lover who always has a smile for everyone. If only she could ignore that beautiful man with black hair, intense gaze, and blue eyes, who is just what she wants and who, moreover, is her boss. The CEO of Ancestral-Lab, the most important pharmaceutical company in Mexico, is a true ogre.  Watch the sparks fly!

Among her other titles are The Love Story I Didn’t Write, Whisky, Tequila or Beer, and Your Red Velvet Kisses, all available in Kindle editions on Amazon.  It is quite impressive, as you will agree, to see Dra. Cortés use all parts of her brain in her writings!


November Wine Tasting
