The Conditioned Mind: A Buddhist Perspective

Join Dr. David Brazier for an insightful exploration of Buddhist Psychology, an ancient and profound science of the mind that began in the years immediately following the passing of the great Indian sage, more than two thousand years ago and continued to be developed in the many Asian schools of Buddhism. The Buddhists produced a psychological literature called Abhidharma and then went on to develop commentaries and reinterpretations based on experience, and this tradition continues to this day. This is a stream of mind study that has developed before and independently of modern psychology and offers interesting parallels and contrasts to it. It is a psychology to aid spiritual development that nonetheless can be readily applied to the amelioration of ordinary life problems. Before modern Western psychology, Buddhism had its own models of the mind and therapeutic systems, a holistic approach to understanding the psyche, fostering compassion, awareness, and self-overcoming. It leads to insight, inner calm and enhanced interpersonal skills.

David Brazier, PhD, is an author, poet, psychotherapist, Zen master, and authority on Buddhist psychology on which he lectures internationally. He is the founder of spiritual networks & communities as well as aid and mental health projects in UK, Spain, India, Bosnia & Zambia, and has held posts in mental health rehabilitation, suicide prevention, community development, child & adult psychiatric and medical social work. He is the author of thirteen books on psychology, psychotherapy & culture from a Buddhist perspective as well as numerous articles & chapters and two books of poetry. He is co-editor of the Oxford University Press Handbook of Meditation, and lead tutor for a two-year on-line training program in Buddhist psychology. He lives in France.

This special edition of MEL Talks takes place on Feb 17 starting at 11:00 AM. MEL Talks are free and open to the public. See the entire season lineup here.


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