During the aftermath of Mexico’s 1968 student massacre, former lovers Amalia Vasquez and Alejandro Mendez rekindle their romance—a spontaneous act with lifelong repercussions. The personal, professional, and political challenges they encounter over the ensuing twenty-year period mirror what the country has yet to reconcile. Nonetheless, The Woman Who Wanted the Moon is also a celebration of Latin passion, spirituality, resourcefulness, and family loyalty. Indeed, this is a love story with an unexpected and unconventional twist.

With The Woman Who Wanted the Moon, Joanna van der Gracht de Rosado has created a novel whose protagonist is at times an astonished eyewitness to Mexico’s tumultuous twentieth century. By interweaving historical events—in particular the fierce repression of Mexican students in 1968 by the Mexican government—the author creates a poignant allegory of revolution and repression, life and death, love and freedom.” —Michael K. Schuessler, Author of Love and Death in Mexico


Magic Made in Mexico


The Victorious Vagina