J. Lee Porter & Ed Teja

$200 Softcover

A life well-lived deserves a dignified end. A pair of American businessmen come to Thailand to evaluate a business opportunity. Each comes with his own preconceptions and both find that Thailand follows them home. They learn the lessons they need to learn about life and death.

And while this is fiction, truths learned in other places do follow you home, and this story is, itself, an example.

You see, there’s an inspirational place at the far end of Koh Chang Island, in Thailand, right on the Gulf of Thailand. It’s called Elephant Bay Resort and that is where this story was born. Lee and Ed met up there to write in a place that made work more fun.

But chilling out with Thai whisky (and beer, never forget the beer) and laptops in a beach hut, going to Muay Thai matches in the evening, somehow sparked this story. Maybe it was all the fine massages, or too much whisky, or just too much fun., all mixed with bittersweet memories of the last days of old friends. Whatever the chemistry we each took the story with us—Lee to Cambodia and Ed to New Mexico—to polish and savor. And in some ways, to relive the experiences and emotions.


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