StoryTime at MEL
What time is it? - It’s Storytime!
The patio of the Mérida English Library is the place where music, stories, arts & crafts projects, and friends meet and create a fabulous energy for the whole family to enjoy.
Register here to join us every other Saturday for a new Storytime at 10:00 am.
We start with a warm-up song to activate our senses. Then we listen to a volunteer reading a book from the library collection, which you can check-out later on with your library membership. After that we take a place at a table available in the patio for an arts & craft project related to the story. All materials and instructions are provided by the volunteers. Family members can help too!
You are welcome to stay over during the rest of the day to keep browsing books in our collection or read.
MEL StoryTime is a free program open to the general public. The purpose of the program is to encourage the habit of reading in children and their families, and to motivate imagination, creativity, vocabulary and English language skills.
The StoryTime Committee is organizing different new activities to provide a great experience every time time you visit MEL. The books and activities are different for each StoryTime, and focus on a theme such as well-being, health, history, nature, science, etc. Upcoming StoryTime programs will be posted a week in advance on social media. Check out past activities on Facebook and Instagram.
StoryTime has a limited capacity of 25 kids per program. You can register by stopping by the library or by clicking here. Please include the name and age of each child who is participating.
StoryTime is held every other Saturday starting at 10:00 AM. See our calendar for details. This is an event for the whole family to enjoy. Coffee, soda, water, cookies and other sweets will be available for sale during the event.
Donations are more than welcome.